
Prosoya Kenya Innovation Manager Fridah Kaburu focuses her every workday on how to improve lives. The company has a high-bar mission of bringing its nutritious and affordable foods, such as UJILALA their new ready-to-eat porridge, as well as livestock feeds to 70% of African countries by 2030.

CEO Kaburu Muguika launched the company in 2009 and has built the business on the principle of continuous learning. “If you spend a day without learning something new you would become obsolete,” he says.

As a result of in-depth research on food and feed ingredients, he concluded that soy is special due to its protein profile that offers all essential amino acids to fortify human foods as well as livestock feeds. Therefore, soy is foundational to Prosoya Kenya and its high-social-impact agenda. “Our mission is to fight poverty, malnutrition and unemployment …. anything that touches that is our work,” says Kaburu.

Fridah adds, “By 2023, Prosoya Kenya wants to work with 30,000 pig and dairy farmers through cooperatives and villages around us so we can have an impact on the society.”


The entrepreneurial company’s focus on innovation and affordable nutritious soy-based foods and feeds made them an excellent strategic partner for ASA/WISHH to include in WISHH’s virtual training. Based on 20 years of experience, WISHH designed its United Soybean Board-funded training initiative to take on the unique challenges that food and feed entrepreneurs face in Africa, Asia, and Latin and Central America.

Watch WISHH’s new video at the top of the article for the full story that includes WISHH Program Committee Member Craig Williams, a soybean grower who also serves on the Indiana Soybean Alliance Board of Directors and joined a WISHH virtual session. See how WISHH partnered with Purdue University College of Agriculture to provide expertise that supports Prosoya Kenya’s capacity to offer a quality product to customers while the company streamlines and innovates.

WISHH is a program of the American Soybean Association and is funded in part by the United Soybean Board and state soybean board checkoff programs.